Start Up Secrets: Lessons from the Early Days of Jesus (Mark 1)

I hope you found encouragement in my last post, YOUR LEADERSHIP VOICE AND THE HOLY SPIRIT to find your leadership voice and also be open to the Holy Spirit’s desire to stretch you. There are some valuable leadership lessons you can glean from Jesus in his early days of ministry.


Young David wrote a staggering number of jazzy beats in his lifetime. Three lines from one of his 70+ songs (a.k.a. Psalms) stood out to me recently. His lyrics shine like a lighthouse for young people the world over who are navigating the boat of their life through treacherous waters. Many “serious” voices fill the air with claims of authority. Although they claim to have the high ground, we know that worldly wisdom is just strings of empty words parroted from talking heads, spewing half-truths. David’s Psalm 119 calls this out.

lighthouse of hope, wise, wisdom

Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash


When you are about to crash into shore, a dim flashlight won’t help you. You need a beacon that shudders the darkness. This kind of hope can be found in David’s Psalm 119. The whole song is amazing, but especially for young people, these three lines burn off the fog:

15 Ways to Help Students Find Peace they are Longing for through the Gospel…

As a youthworker or parent, to give hope and solace to teenagers, we need to tell them how to find peace. The world has questions. The Bible has answers. Students, ages 13-25 in particular are beginning to shift from a totally concrete view of the world to a more abstract perspective.

bible outdoors

This means that adolescence is a time where we begin to process our environment and relationships by asking lots of questions. Most of these questions go unspoken, but they are there if you dig for them.