You Can’t Completely Take the Dufus Out of the Disciple (John 21)

I just finished studying through the Gospel of John with my kids today. If you haven’t read John in a while I recommend it. John is a mender. Jesus actually called him when he was mending and fixing his fishing nets, (Matthew 4:21) and it seems that throughout his life John served his friends and churches with a special knack for mending. Maybe his words can be a balm to your soul today. Here is what I mean…


Dufus out of the disciple, shepherding

Photo by Mike Erskine on Unsplash

At the end of the Gospel of John is a very tender and instructive scene where Jesus reinstates Peter. Similar to an event a couple of years previous to this moment, the disciples had gone out fishing and come up empty. As they quietly rowed toward the shore, they see a figure standing on the sandy beach by a campfire, looking out at them on the water. It was Jesus. He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No” they answered. (John 21:5). Just like he had done a couple of years before, he tells them to drop their net on the right side of the boat. In an instant, they were overwhelmed by the number of fish that swarmed into their net. There were 153 to be exact (maybe Matthew was with them and being a former tax collector, just couldn’t help but count the fish).

Good News: You are Loved. Jesus & the Gospel Proves It.

fly fishing with Jesus

The good news of Jesus Christ is that you are loved.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” –Romans 5:8

Jesus loves us not because we are these incredibly loveable fur balls who deserve his love. He loves us in a much deeper profound way than that. Jesus knows we are made from dust. He knows that we can’t possibly fathom how great and worthy he is of our awe and worship. He understands that we were all born of the seed of Adam which means in our own strength we have no chance of ever being completely pure. He knows how broken and frail we are even though we put on all sorts of prideful masks and crutches of victimization. And in the midst of all of that, when he was on the cross, paving a path for us sinners to cross over from death to life, he cried out to the Father in our defense:

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. –Luke 23:34


Most of us need daily reminders that we are loved so much. Without Gospel reminders we become jaded, cowardly, judgmental, and self-protective. And when we sway from feeling loved our ability to reflect the Light of Jesus’ love to others dims and dims and dims…