Don’t Be A Cloud Without Rain: How to Creatively Share the Hope of Jesus

The people in your life are there under God’s sovereign authority. As a disciple of Christ, it is important to intentionally invest in the relationships around us and to be verbal about what we know about Jesus.

There is an immense challenge in Jude 12-13 to not let our knowledge of the Gospel go to waste. “These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.”

People who have not put their trust in Jesus Christ are like withering plants who desperately need water for their roots. In the same way that plants need rain, people need a personal relationship with Jesus. Imagine how plants respond when their roots are watered. Being verbal with what we know about Jesus is like rain to a dry soul. We can communicate the hope people need and will nourish their roots. As a disciple of Christ, we must be responsible to make sure we are not clouds without rain. To be intentional and loving in our relationships we must not hold back the rain that their souls need.

share the hope of Jesus, don't be a cloud without rain
Photo by Herbert Grambihler on Unsplash

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone and Be a Cloud that Rains

Here are some questions you can ask to help you think of creative ways to share the hope of the Gospel with others.

  1. What would I want if I were ________ (person’s name)?
    • The answer to this question is what we can strive for and pray for. Assume more often than not that we might be the one to provide the need rather than think it is someone else’s calling.
    • Don’t assume that this person will care about you and your needs at first. Focus on asking them probing, preplanned questions and actively listen to their responses.
  2. What does _________ (person’s name) want that Jesus has to offer? What do they need that they might not realize?
    • How can you creatively show the person that what they want and need can be found in a relationship with Jesus?
  3. How can you restate their objections into a goal?
    • An example: “I would lose so much freedom if I became a follower of Jesus.” You can consider ways that you could show this person that freedom is gained by following Jesus. Our life expands and opens up when we follow Jesus, it does not narrow and become boring like some might think it does.

This takes prayerful consideration and creativity. It is important to also remember that people will always have concerns that we strive to address, but it is ultimately God who draws people to himself (John 6:41-44). He will use you in the time, place, and community he has placed you in. Remain in Him, and you will bear much fruit.

Stay Accountable

  1. Evaluate your own roots. Are they healthy? Do you need rain?
  2. In my last post, I offered a worksheet to identify your 12/3. How have you been intentional with those people?
  3. Who in your life needs to hear the Gospel? Humbly choose to step outside of your comfort zone and be rain to dry souls.